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Author & Speaker



My Mission

All too often, today’s churches, despite science and reason, have become stuck in 20th century traditions.  They either insist upon outworn fundamentals and dogma or stick blindly to the idea that science has reduced the Bible to mere metaphor and symbol. As a result, many have either morphed into voices of rigid intolerance or declined into cultural irrelevance.

John Wesley, founder of the largest religious movement of the 18th-19th centuries and attuned to the latest science of his time, believed that the Bible must be read by the light of not only tradition and personal experience but also science and reason. The Bible\’s not meant to be carved in stone, but to be a living conversation about life. Sadly, that’s a perspective that’s been lost, even in the Methodist movement Wesley founded. 

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Drawing upon my thirty-year background in scientific method, social science, cognitive science, and history, and fifteen years in theology, I want to use science and reason to unfold the stories of the Bible authentically, yet in ways that make sense in the 21st century.

-Jim Austin



Watch for the publication of Jim’s new book “Women Born Free.” Jim goes back to the original Hebrew to show that Genesis 2 has been misread for 2000 years.  Women were not created to be “helpmates” to men but to be “companions in strength” who share equally in God’s blessing and empowerment.  Jim also analyzes five Pauline letters often used as proof-texts for subordination to show how they have been misread. This book knocks the props out from under any biblical justification for the subordination of women.

The next time you stare in awe at the infinite expanse of stars, think about this :

Scientific evidence for the Big Bang shows that a Creator made it!

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